Ted Godwin
Night Bone 1964 - 1
- 2
Blue Molyvos - 3
Untitled (Two Figures, Trees and Sun) ca 1950s - 4
Lily Pad Tondeau - 5
- 6
Dragon Party Time 1961
Organic Study 1961
Spaghetti Whip Master
Lilies Midsummer (1) 1985
portrait study (Coste House Thurs Life Group) 1951
Canada Flag 1965
Ted Godwin
1933 - 2013
1933 - 2013
Price range: $300-$50,000
1962 Painting at Stratford Exhibition. A painter must be involved as deeply and completely in life as possible for it is only through living that "life" can be assessed, re-arranged, or mirrored. My painting is a process of discovery and evaluation of the internal and external forces I apprehend. These stimuli are re-arranged to become part of my personal vocabulary of abstraction. The success of a work is dependent upon how well the stimulus has been absorbed and the degree of command I have established over the image and the artifices used to create it with.
1965 NMAG Exhibition
My concern while making a painting is in obtaining a cohesive order of a group of images and events. Viewers (I prefer to call them participants) establish rapport at the level of generalities rather than with the events or situations that concerned me while making the work.
A painting should interrupt the surface it is on, posing a confrontation between itself and things animate and inanimate in it's environment.
I prefer paintings to be environmental to the extent that the viewer is sufficiently involved in all or some of the external dimensions.